Create a Mix Task for an Elixir Project


Mix tasks are helper tasks in Elixir projects.

In this post, I'll create an empty project and a "Hello World!"

I can create a new project with

$ mix new mix_task_example

Now, inside the new `mix_task_example` project directory, running

$ mix help

shows which mix tasks are available and in this newly created project there are already more than 30.

Now I create the directory for tasks with

$ mkdir -p lib/mix/tasks

and create a file with the name of the task, e.g. mix_task_example.salute.ex

with the following contents:

defmodule Mix.Tasks.MixTaskExample.Salute do
  use Mix.Task

  def run(_) do
    IO.puts "Hello World!"

This far, the task is not yet available, I need to compile the project

$ mix compile

And now I can run it with

$ mix mix_task_example.salute
Hello World!

The task doesn't show up in the listing with mix help.

To make it show up I need to add @shortdoc

defmodule Mix.Tasks.MixTaskExample.Salute do
  use Mix.Task

  @shortdoc "Give a short salutation"
  def run(_) do
    IO.puts "Hello World!"

If the tasks are part of a library, they will be available to project that include it as a dependency, so it's important to use the library name (e.g. MixTaskExample) in the module name in order to keep tasks in a collective namespace.

As a final touch, let's accept a parameter

defmodule Mix.Tasks.MixTaskExample.Salute do
  use Mix.Task

  @shortdoc "Give a short salutation"
  def run(name) do
    IO.puts "Hello #{name}!"
$ mix compile
$ mix mix_task_example.salute Joe
Hello Joe!

A working mix task!

The code for this example can be found at